
Rip-N-Drip is the future of e-liquid sampling. For a few cents per Rip-N-Drip package versus several dollars per bottle, you can easily save thousands of dollars on production, labor, & shipping costs. Think of how much easier it would be for you to bring a box full of over 2,000 Rip-N-Drip samples in a single box to a show/convention/customer compared to hauling or shipping multiple boxes filled with heavy bottles. Giveaways and handouts are a breeze now! Instead of handing out boxes or bags filled with multiple bottles of juice, how much easier would it be for you to give someone a handful of Rip-N-Drip sample packages? In comparison, Rip-N-Drip samples weigh a fraction of what a full bottle would and they only cost a fraction of the price! Throw handfuls out into the crowds without breaking the bank! SIMPLY Rip-N-Drip packaging solutions THE most cost-effective way to get more product to more people for less money! *Please see our 4-Step Process Flow for a simple walk through of the Rip-N-Drip production process. |